
Amazon Updates the Kindle Lineup

In a recent press event, Amazon , the makers of the popular Kindle e-reading device, announced the next generation of Kindle devices. Kindle : The good old Kindle we all know and love, right? Wrong. Although it keeps the simple, a single term name, the new Kindle is often a e tremely a variety of looking device. From the exact same 6 inch screen size as its predecessor, the new Kindle weighs 30% lighter (6 ounces), probably as a result of the most noticeable difference: the new Kindle has no keyboard. Instead of while using keyboard, 1 navigates the device using the new 5 way controller, along with four other little buttons. The New Kindle Download books over Wi-Fi (no 3G choice this time around), and read them wherever you go, with as much as a month of battery life on the single charge. Also, as Amazon is promotion strongly, the Kindle can also be utilized even in bright sunlight, because of its black and white e-ink display. The most compelling aspect with the new Kin

5 Android Apps you Need: App 5

This is the final post of a five part series. Read the fourth post here . So we've been pretty productive with our first four apps, and it's time to have some fun. If you follow sports of any kind, this free app from , is a great download. Called ESPN ScoreCenter , the app puts sports news, videos, scores, and more, in the hand of the user. The app allows you to what's going on in tens of different leagues, including the big ones like NFL, MLB, and NBA, and the smaller ones, like Formula 1, NCAA Water polo, and Cricket. The app offers live scores, news, videos, and more for free, ad-free, from ESPN. LauncherPro for Android Although the design's not the prettiest, it's definitely a lot better than many other apps, making this sports-lover's app a sure download. It can be downloaded for free from the Android Market , or . Now, I promised in the App 2 post that App 5 would contain a special bonus app. So, here goes. Everyone knows that User Inter

5 Android Apps you Need: App 4

This is the fourth part of a five part series. Read the third post here . Check back next Monday for the last part of the series. The only thing you really can't live without is food, and grocery shopping is never such a fun experience. Make it easier with Grocery iQ , a free app from , which allows you to create personalized shopping lists, get free coupons, and much more. Coupons on Grocery iQ When starting with Grocery iQ, you make a list of all of the stores you shop at, and then personalize the aisles in each store, so you know which store has which aisles. Although this is a slightly tedious process, when you're done with it, it's worth it. You then add grocery items to your list, and add each item to one or more of the stores on your list, and specify which aisle each item is located in. When you then go shopping, you simply click the name of the store, and you see the list of all of the items you need at that store, and which specific aisle it's loca

5 Android Apps you Need: App 3

This is the second part of a five part series. Read the second post  here . Look out for more every Monday and Thursday. Welcome back to 5 Android Apps you Need. Now that you're reading and chatting , it's time to get some watching done. Netflix , a free app from , allows users to stream thousands of movies and TV shows, with a small monthly fee. We've talking about Netflix a few times before , but never really in detail. Also, we've never talked about the mobile app, so here goes. With a $7.99 a month Netflix subscription, users can choose from thousands of movies and TV shows to stream, ad-free, immediately. Although Netflix has a lot of movies for those who like less popular stuff, it also has it's fair share of the more popular content as well, including Mad Men, Super 8, and Secretariat. There's also plenty of stuff for the kids, including, SpongeBob SquarePants, Toy Story 3, and Blue's Clues. Netflix is also available on, well, almost any

Samsung introduces ChatON

Samsung is getting into the market that Apple , the maker of the iPhone, RIM, the maker of the BlackBerry, and Facebook are already in. Samsung, the maker of many popular mobile phones, "smart" and otherwise, introduced it's ChatON instant messaging service. The ChatON service will allow users to send short messages to each other for free, including texts, photos, contacts, and calendar. The service will be available at first on Samsung devices running their "semi-smart" mobile operating system, called Bada . A Samsung device running Bada. The service will later come as an app on Android and iOS devices. While the users of the Bada version will get the basic capabilities mentioned above, the users of the Android and iOS app will get some more advanced features, such as commenting on their friends profile pages, create special "animation messages", and keep track of how often they instant message. Ho Soo Lee,  Head of Media Solution Center a

Google to Buy Motorola Mobility

Motorola is known by many for it's numerous advancements in the technology of the cellular phone. For one thing, it was the creator of the first cell phone ever made. That two pound "brick" didn't last too long, and now, after Motorola created some of the most popular Android phones, Google feels the need to buy them. In a press release put out earlier today, Google said that they were going to buy Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. for $40 a share, adding up to about $12.5 billion. $12.5 billion is quite a lot of money, however, Google does have some really deep pockets. The deal will be made official at an announcement later today. Now that the facts have been said, one would have to think about the reasoning that Google would want to make such a purchase. Larry Page, Google's CEO, said the following about the purchase:         " Motorola Mobility's total commitment to Android has created a natural fit for our two companies. Together, we will

Apple TV, Entertainment made Simple

After searching for a device that hooks up to your TV that streams movies along with other content towards the large screen, you'll find a lot of choices. These devices are referred to as set-top boxes, and you can find at least 10 well know and popular devices, with costs ranging from $55 to $299. So if you happen to be seeking a very good set-top box, one that combines a relatively great price using a slick interface and excellent content selection, Apple thinks they've the device for you. The Apple TV is really a $99 device that allows you to stream content directly within the Internet. Unlike some of the other options, the Apple TV has no manufactured in storage, so, though you possibly can connect through a network to iTunes on your personal computer and stream content from there, everything else is just streaming it directly from the "cloud". The Apple TV can access and stream movies and TV shows in the iTunes store. However, there's no metho