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Logitech Cube: Part computer mouse

Since the computer mouse became mainstream, not much about it has. Multi-touch has probably been the latest change to the computer mouse. Until now. Computer mice were never more than computer mice. Until now. The Logitech Cube Logitech, the maker of many computer accessories, including keyboards and mice, wants to reinvent the computer mouse, or at least make a really cool one. They recently announced the Logitech Cube , a mouse/presenter hybrid with a really slick design. Unlike any other mainstream mouse, the Cube is, as the name hints, a cube. It has a small and sleek rectangular design. Available in both black and white models, the Cube has a nice striped design. It uses an optical sensor at the bottom, and connects to your computer via a wireless USB dongle. The front of the device sports a on/off switch so that the device doesn't use power while not in use, as well as a USB port for easily charging the device. To enable presentation mode, just lift the device off