
Showing posts with the label android market

Instagram finally available for Android

Instagram, the quite well-known photo sharing app, has finally been released on Android. As we reported earlier, the Android version of this well-liked app has been from the doing to your while, but hit Google Play (formerly known as the Android Market. Confusing, right?) today. This app brings the same photo-sharing functionality as the iOS version did. It allows you to eat or import a photo, a cool retro filters, and share it out for your globe to see. The app has been so popular, in fact, that Kevin Systrom, CEO of Instagram, stated that it have been logging 2 , 000 new sign-ups a minute. Not bad. The app can be downloaded for free from Google Play here . More information can be found at . Will you be downloading the free new Android app? Why or why not? Answer in the comments.

Instagram coming to Android

Instagram is a popular iOS app that allows you to share photos with friends and followers, as well as add cool retro-looking filters to the photos you share. Click this link  to read more about Instagram.  Android users have never been able to use Instagram, as it is an iOS exclusive. Well, was an iOS exclusive.  At South by Southwest, a geek conference in Austin, Texas, Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom announced that Instagram would be coming to Android pretty soon. He says that currently, the Android Version is in a private beta testing stage, and will be "coming soon". "In some ways, it's better than our iOS app. It's crazy", said Systrom. In addition, he announced that the iOS version of the app, which was featured as Apple's iPhone App of the Year in 2011, had reached over 27 million downloads. Although we still don't know exactly when Android users will gain access to this great service, as Instagram co-founder says, it's coming soon. So

Samsung ChatON

Samsung's SMS-free text messaging app, called ChatON , has finally hit the Apple AppStore, making it available on Android, Bada, and iOS. Blackberry, Windows Phone, and web support is still to come. Check out the app on the AppStore here, visit the website here , and read about what it does below. Samsung is owning into the marketplace that Apple, the maker from the iPhone, RIM, the maker on the BlackBerry, and Facebook are already in. Samsung, the maker of numerous well-liked mobile phones, "smart" and otherwise, introduced it's ChatON instant messaging service. The ChatON service will permit users to send short messages to each other for free, including texts, photos, contacts, and calendar. The service will likely be accessible at first on Samsung devices running their "semi-smart" cellular operating system, named Bada. A Samsung device running Bada. The service will later come as an app on Android and iOS devices. While the users on th

5 Android Apps you Need: App 5

This is the final post of a five part series. Read the fourth post here . So we've been pretty productive with our first four apps, and it's time to have some fun. If you follow sports of any kind, this free app from , is a great download. Called ESPN ScoreCenter , the app puts sports news, videos, scores, and more, in the hand of the user. The app allows you to what's going on in tens of different leagues, including the big ones like NFL, MLB, and NBA, and the smaller ones, like Formula 1, NCAA Water polo, and Cricket. The app offers live scores, news, videos, and more for free, ad-free, from ESPN. LauncherPro for Android Although the design's not the prettiest, it's definitely a lot better than many other apps, making this sports-lover's app a sure download. It can be downloaded for free from the Android Market , or . Now, I promised in the App 2 post that App 5 would contain a special bonus app. So, here goes. Everyone knows that User Inter

5 Android Apps you Need: App 4

This is the fourth part of a five part series. Read the third post here . Check back next Monday for the last part of the series. The only thing you really can't live without is food, and grocery shopping is never such a fun experience. Make it easier with Grocery iQ , a free app from , which allows you to create personalized shopping lists, get free coupons, and much more. Coupons on Grocery iQ When starting with Grocery iQ, you make a list of all of the stores you shop at, and then personalize the aisles in each store, so you know which store has which aisles. Although this is a slightly tedious process, when you're done with it, it's worth it. You then add grocery items to your list, and add each item to one or more of the stores on your list, and specify which aisle each item is located in. When you then go shopping, you simply click the name of the store, and you see the list of all of the items you need at that store, and which specific aisle it's loca

5 Android Apps you Need: App 3

This is the second part of a five part series. Read the second post  here . Look out for more every Monday and Thursday. Welcome back to 5 Android Apps you Need. Now that you're reading and chatting , it's time to get some watching done. Netflix , a free app from , allows users to stream thousands of movies and TV shows, with a small monthly fee. We've talking about Netflix a few times before , but never really in detail. Also, we've never talked about the mobile app, so here goes. With a $7.99 a month Netflix subscription, users can choose from thousands of movies and TV shows to stream, ad-free, immediately. Although Netflix has a lot of movies for those who like less popular stuff, it also has it's fair share of the more popular content as well, including Mad Men, Super 8, and Secretariat. There's also plenty of stuff for the kids, including, SpongeBob SquarePants, Toy Story 3, and Blue's Clues. Netflix is also available on, well, almost any