
Showing posts with the label smart phone

Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Update, Calling it Mango

Earlier today, Microsoft held a press event, announcing some of the newest features that will be found in the latest edition of their mobile phone operating system, Windows Phone 7 . This update to the operating system is code-named Mango. Andy Lee, president of Microsoft's mobile division, took the stage today and announced some of the new features that will be found in Mango. To start off, Twitter and LinkedIn will now be integrated into Windows Phone 7. Also, the homescreen will be updated slightly, so that notifications are pushed more. Call history will be sorted by person, and you will be able to see all of the calls, texts, IMs, and visual voicemail (another new feature in Mango) all in one "list". Related to this, a new feature in Mango will be the ability to group friends into groups. Groups will show all of those friend's activity, be it calls, texting, or even social networking activity. One can also communicate with all of the members in a group. Although

White iPhone 4 Finally out; Thicker? (UPDATE: Apple Responds)

     It has been nearly a year since Apple announced it's latest edition of it's smartphone device, the iPhone 4. Like every edition of the iPhone before this one, it was going to be available in both black or white colors. The white edition of the iPhone 4 was delayed for a few weeks, and then completely taken down from the Apple website.      Rumors have been floating around pretty much ever since the white iPhone was delayed. There were both rumors about why it was delayed, and about when it would come out. Although we may never know the answer to why the white iPhone 4 was delayed for so long, we do know when it will come out. The answer: today.      Apple posted a picture of the white iPhone 4 on it's website yesterday, along with a caption saying that the white iPhone 4 will be available tomorrow. That tomorrow is now today.      The white iPhone 4 is available for purchase now, and many have already bought it. The ones who already have the device in their possession