
Showing posts with the label iphone 5 price

Will iPhone 5 feature NFC?

     A back and forth of reports have been going on about the iPhone 5, the expected name for the next version of the Apple iPhone and NFC. NFC stands for Near Field Communications, and is a way to transfer data wirelessly at very close distances. This would be useful for using your phone like a credit card, and making purchases just by waving the phone over the other NFC device.      Bloomberg reported a few weeks ago that the iPhone 5 will come with a built in NFC chip. That report was then contradicted by The Independent , who said that if NFC appears at all, it will be in the iPhone 6th generation, rather than the iPhone 5. The contradictions continue as Elizabeth Woyke of Forbes claims ( via SIA ) that the iPhone 5 will have NFC built in after all. Just met with an entrepreneur who says the iPhone 5 *will* have NFC...according to his friend, who works at Apple. Huh.      With all the contradicting rumors, it's hard to tell which is true. Will the iPhone 5 contain a bui

Best Sound for your iPod or iPhone

     I was recently asked in a comment on an earlier post  what the best or very good sound system would be for an iPod or iPhone. After doing some research, I found out a few things. One of them: sound is expensive. For good sound and features, you'll have to pay somewhere around $200. Soundfreaq Sound Flatform     You can get a basic iPod dock player with some moderate features for about $30, but you won't get the same great sound quality and more advanced features that you might get with the more expensive products. Before you read any further, you should probably answer this one question: Am I willing to spend for sound? If you aren't, you'll probably just pay $30-$40 for something that will play your music, probably has a radio, and maybe even has an alarm clock.      If you want great sound quality, some sound changing effects, and maybe Bluetooth capability, you'll have to be willing to pay for it.      For a great looking device with great sound quali