
Showing posts with the label ios 5

iPhone 4S + More

Apple recently hosted a keynote announcement , announcing its new iPhone, along with several minor updates towards the iPod line. Siri on the iPhone 4S iPhone 4S: Though some have been expecting a completely new and redesigned iPhone 5, Apple will possibly wait for 2012 to announce the iPhone 5. Until then, we will have to live on the additional minor updates with the new iPhone 4S. The 4S keeps the same beautiful and elegant design as the iPhone 4, but now comes packed of the same Apple A5 processor discovered within the iPad 2. This new chip allows for your much snappier experience, as well as the capability to carry out much more powerful tasks on a i Phone. While the 4S has a more strong processor, battery life is nonetheless great, with up to eight hours of talk time on a single charge. Another major update within the iPhone 4S will be the camera. The iPhone 4's camera was always named a beneficial one, specifically for your cell phone camera. The 4S&#

Apple Unveils iCloud, iOS 5, Shows off Mac OSX Lion

It's this time of year all over again! Apple holds a developer's conference every year in San Francisco called WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference, discussing, usually from more of an app developer's point of view, some of the new products or services that Apple is creating. This year's event was sold out in less than ten hours, and tickets weren't cheap either, so we'll see what they paid to see. Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO (Currently on medical leave), with the help of some fellow Apple employees, announced three new products/services, and showed off one more, that had already been announced. None of these three products are actual physical products, but they are just as interesting. Apple's iCloud logo iCloud:  The first product announced is called iCloud , and is an online service similar to the current, and slowly phasing  out, Apple service Mobile Me. iCloud is an online service that stores and syncs "your music, photos, apps, documents,