
Showing posts with the label ipad cases

New iPad available in Stores

The new, third- generation iPad , over-viewed in this Gadgetator article, will hit store shelves tomorrow, March 16th. If you need to have your hands on 1 as early as possible, waiting in line at an Apple store, as Mashable says, may perhaps not be the most choice. Apple stores will begin selling the new device at 8:00 AM, local time, though 24-hour Walmarts will start to hand out the device at 12:01 AM. Probably the most Buy at Union Square in New York City will also have the iPad at midnight. It looks exciting that Apple would permit retailers to begin to market the iPad prior to they themselves do, but it may perhaps just be one more noticeable difference in Apple during the write-up Steve Work era. Will you be waiting at a Walmart or Best Purchase at midnight for your latest iPad? Share your thoughts in the comments.

The New iPad

We've all been waiting for the next generation iPad. Rumors about it have been floating around basically since the launch of the iPad 2 , and now those rumors are all either confirmed or denied. Mostly confirmed. With the new iPad , Apple is really focusing on graphics and images. The new iPad sports a Retina display, Apple's proprietary term for a display that, when viewed at a normal distance, the pixels are not discernible. The Retina display is also found in the iPhone 4 and 4S, as well as the iPod touch 4th generation. Although the iPad has less pixels per inch (PPI) than the iPhone and iPod touch, it has a 2048x1536 resolution, making it a higher resolution than even an HDTV. The A5X Chip The graphics are also greatly improved, as the new iPad boasts the Apple A5X chip, a dual-core system-on-a-chip with quad-core graphics. This makes high-quality games look much better, and really works well with the new Retina display. The third feature focusing on imag

New iPad 2 Problem in the Display

     iPad 2 went on sale a few days ago in Apple stores around the United States, but people are already seeing problems. Some new iPad 2 owners are saying in the MacRumors forums that they have been seeing yellow spots beneath the screen's glass in one or two corners of the iPad's screen. Yellow Tinge on iPad 2      The iPhone 4 saw the same problem at it's launch. Apple said that the problem was temporary, and that it was just caused by the fact that the glue in the display didn't have time to evaporate yet. Apple rushed the iPad 2 because they wanted to get them in stores as early as possible, so the problem is temporary, and should go away shortly. Light Leaking through the Edge      Another problem people were seeing along with the iPad a couple of was in which lighting has been leaking by means of the actual outside side involving the actual iPad, along with producing a brighter location on the Liquid crystal. The actual leaking mild is a bit more ap