
Showing posts from October, 2011

Top Smartphones of 2011

With each passing year, cellular phones come to be additional advanced. On the modern-day smartphone craze, a newer and more strong device is usually correct for the corner. As the year begins to wind down, we eat a think about probably the most new mobile phones available. Motorola Droid RAZR The Droid RAZR represents a merging of two of the most iconic brands in the history of mobile phones. Many will recall Motorola's 2004 RAZR, the thinnest phone of its era. The Droid RAZR follows in its footsteps, measuring an incredibly thin 7.1 millimeters.The Droid RAZR runs Android 3.0 Gingerbread and is powered by the latest hardware. It has specs that tech fans drool over. The device features a 4.3 Super AMOLED Advanced display and dual-core processor. The phone also has a front-facing camera for video chat, and can shoot HD video. On top of all of this, Motorola coated the Droid RAZR with Kevlar and a splash guard, making the Droid RAZR resistant to spills. Samsung Galaxy S2

Steve Jobs' Biography is Out

So much has happened as far as Steve Jobs news in the past few months. First, the much talked-about news about his resignation as CEO of Apple, and later, unfortunately, the news about his death . Now, although we no longer have the amazing visionary that was Steve Jobs, we do have many of his secrets that he revealed in his official biography, entitled, simply, Steve Jobs. This 656 page biography, written by biographer Walter Isaacson, opens a window into Steve's mind, as Isaacson conducted over forty interviews with Jobs, up until his death. Issacson also interviewed more than 100 other family members, friends, colleagues, and even adversaries, to try to bring out the entire story. Walter Issacson is also the author of Einstein: His Life and Universe and Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, so he seems to be an experienced enough biographer for this book. The book is available on as a Kindle book, in hardcover , and even in CD and Audible .com audio-book versions. It

iPhone 4S + More

Apple recently hosted a keynote announcement , announcing its new iPhone, along with several minor updates towards the iPod line. Siri on the iPhone 4S iPhone 4S: Though some have been expecting a completely new and redesigned iPhone 5, Apple will possibly wait for 2012 to announce the iPhone 5. Until then, we will have to live on the additional minor updates with the new iPhone 4S. The 4S keeps the same beautiful and elegant design as the iPhone 4, but now comes packed of the same Apple A5 processor discovered within the iPad 2. This new chip allows for your much snappier experience, as well as the capability to carry out much more powerful tasks on a i Phone. While the 4S has a more strong processor, battery life is nonetheless great, with up to eight hours of talk time on a single charge. Another major update within the iPhone 4S will be the camera. The iPhone 4's camera was always named a beneficial one, specifically for your cell phone camera. The 4S&#