
Showing posts from April, 2011

White iPhone 4 Finally out; Thicker? (UPDATE: Apple Responds)

     It has been nearly a year since Apple announced it's latest edition of it's smartphone device, the iPhone 4. Like every edition of the iPhone before this one, it was going to be available in both black or white colors. The white edition of the iPhone 4 was delayed for a few weeks, and then completely taken down from the Apple website.      Rumors have been floating around pretty much ever since the white iPhone was delayed. There were both rumors about why it was delayed, and about when it would come out. Although we may never know the answer to why the white iPhone 4 was delayed for so long, we do know when it will come out. The answer: today.      Apple posted a picture of the white iPhone 4 on it's website yesterday, along with a caption saying that the white iPhone 4 will be available tomorrow. That tomorrow is now today.      The white iPhone 4 is available for purchase now, and many have already bought it. The ones who already have the device in their possession 

Netflix for XBOX 360 Gains Kinect Support

      Netfllix , the popular video streaming service, recently announced some updates for the Netflix app on the XBOX 360. Netfilix for XBOX 360 will now support Microsoft's Kinect peripheral device, which allows users to control games and multimedia with their movement.      Netflix users on XBOX 360 will now be able to play, pause, and choose movies with their body and voice. All users have to do to access this feature is launch the Netflix app and download the update. Users can then access the Netflix movies and control them with their body.      Traditionally, Kinect requires users to stand up when using it. Hopefully this update will not require users to stand, and hopefully will allow you to control Netflix with your body from the couch.      Kinect has sold very well in it's first year, and the introduction of Netflix will probably sell a few more units. Although Netflix has not yet started using this new development to help sell their service, they probably will s

HTC Sensation Announced

     Early this morning, HTC held an announcement introducing their latest smartphone. Thanks to some early leaks, we knew a lot about the phone before the official announcement, but something official's always nice, because you don't have to rely on some leaked pictures. The New HTC Sensation      HTC had the tech press gather in some venue in London to hear the details about their new phone, the HTC Sensation. Peter Chou, HTC's CEO started the presentation.      At the beginning of the announcement, just before Peter gave any details about the Sensation, he threw in a quick note that the HTC Flyer, their tablet device, will go on sale May 9th throughout Europe. Peter then went on to give the details about the new smartphone.      The HTC Sensation will be the first phone with contoured glass along the entire edge of the screen, giving it a really slick and attractive look. It will also have an almost 35 percent higher screen resolution, due to the qHD technologies

Kindle with New York Times Paywall

     A paywall for the New York Times website was announced a few weeks ago, and went into affect March 28, 2011. This paywall allows users to read 20 stories per month, and then they must pay for the ability to read stories on the New York Times website. This paywall costs $15 per four weeks, but print subscribers can access all of the stories for free.      Recently, Amazon announced that those who subscribe to the New York Times via the Kindle will get free access to the New York Times website, just like print subscribers. Now, Barnes and Noble is following suit. Any subscribers to the New York Times on the Nook will now be able to access all of the stories online without a paywall.      Currently the New York Times iPad app is free and ad supported, but that is not going to last forever. I wonder what the iPad subscribers would get once they have to start paying.       So if you subscribe to the New York Times via Kindle or Nook, have a good time surfing up the New York Times