
Showing posts from March, 2011

Madden NFL 12 Goes on, Even Without an NFL Season

Madden NFL is the most widely played football videogame. Owned by EA (Electronic Arts), Madden NFL has gone through 22 versions, and Madden NFL 12, set to be released August 2011, will be the 23rd. Currently the NFL Player's Association and the NFL are in a dispute, and if the two sides do not come to an agreement within the next few months, the 2011-2012 season will not be played. EA says they plan on releasing Madden NFL 12, as usual in August, even if the 2011-2012 season is not played. CNET got an interview with Rob Semsey, EA Sports' director of public relations. "Fans of Madden NFL will not have their seasons interrupted, regardless of when the labor issues are resolved. We plan to release Madden NFL 12 in August as usual." said Rob. Two problems may come with releasing Madden NFL 12 without a real NFL season to back it up. One of the issues with this is that some players have left their teams at the end of last season, but have not been signed w

Will iPhone 5 feature NFC?

     A back and forth of reports have been going on about the iPhone 5, the expected name for the next version of the Apple iPhone and NFC. NFC stands for Near Field Communications, and is a way to transfer data wirelessly at very close distances. This would be useful for using your phone like a credit card, and making purchases just by waving the phone over the other NFC device.      Bloomberg reported a few weeks ago that the iPhone 5 will come with a built in NFC chip. That report was then contradicted by The Independent , who said that if NFC appears at all, it will be in the iPhone 6th generation, rather than the iPhone 5. The contradictions continue as Elizabeth Woyke of Forbes claims ( via SIA ) that the iPhone 5 will have NFC built in after all. Just met with an entrepreneur who says the iPhone 5 *will* have NFC...according to his friend, who works at Apple. Huh.      With all the contradicting rumors, it's hard to tell which is true. Will the iPhone 5 contain a bui

Motorola Xoom WiFi Only Official Dates

     Release dates for the Motorola Xoom WiFi, a 10 inch tablet running Honeycomb , have been leaked for quite a while, but today Motorola made it official. The WiFi only version of the Xoom will hit the shelves on March 27th, about two weeks from now, in seven major retailers. Amazon, Best Buy, Costco, RadioShack, Staples, WalMart, and a few Sam's Club locations will all be getting the WiFi only Xoom on launch date.      The WiFi only Xoom has the same front and rear facing cameras, dual-core processor, and 10.1 inch screen as it's 3G counterpart. The Xoom is also one of the first tablets to run Honeycomb, which is the latest release of the popular mobile OS Android.      The WiFi version of the Xoom will be going for $599, with a rumored $50 off at Sam's Club. The Apple iPad , another 10 inch tablet, is closely competing with the Xoom, and only costs $499. Customers who want a tablet would probably go for the iPad, which has a lower price, many more applications, an

Apple brings iAds to the iPad

iAds on iPad      iAds is Apple's advertising service for mobile apps on the iOS platform. iAds allows ad creators to add videos, music, and even small interactive games to their ads. The iAd platform has been available on the iPhone and iPod Touch for a while, and the first iAd appeared on the iPad today.      The first iAds advertisement on the iPad is an advertisement for Dove Men+Care. The maker of Dive Men+Care, a company called Unilever, put out the ad, which contains a basketball jumbo-screen with videos and interactive NCAA-themed trivia questions.      iAds on the iPad is a good thing for both Apple and ad creators because it brings the interactive advertisement to a larger screen. This would be a great place for movie trailers, and other things that just look better on a larger screen.    Source: CNET

iPad 2 Jail broken 2 Days after Launch

Cydia running on a white iPad 2       The iPad 2 has only been out two days, but yet it has already been hacked. An iPhone developer and hacker called Comex has apparently been working on a jailbreak ever since he got his white iPad 2. According to his Twitter stream (@ comex ), the jailbreak could have been ready yesterday, but he had to search for a whole new exploit.       This jailbreak allows the user to run Cydia, an alternative app store, which also allows many more features, on his or her iPad. Engadget says that Comex is apparently hard at work getting this jailbreak out to the public and available as an easy process as soon as possible, so, iPad 2 owners, expect to be able to hack your new device very soon.

New iPad 2 Problem in the Display

     iPad 2 went on sale a few days ago in Apple stores around the United States, but people are already seeing problems. Some new iPad 2 owners are saying in the MacRumors forums that they have been seeing yellow spots beneath the screen's glass in one or two corners of the iPad's screen. Yellow Tinge on iPad 2      The iPhone 4 saw the same problem at it's launch. Apple said that the problem was temporary, and that it was just caused by the fact that the glue in the display didn't have time to evaporate yet. Apple rushed the iPad 2 because they wanted to get them in stores as early as possible, so the problem is temporary, and should go away shortly. Light Leaking through the Edge      Another problem people were seeing along with the iPad a couple of was in which lighting has been leaking by means of the actual outside side involving the actual iPad, along with producing a brighter location on the Liquid crystal. The actual leaking mild is a bit more ap

Google Allows Users to Block Sites

     There has been recent controversy over whether or not Google's search results have been becoming less reliable, making sites that one would not find valuable coming up at the top. I talked a lot about this in a recent blog post . Google changed it's algorithm to try to bring higher quality sites up in the search results, and whether or not that worked has also been debated. Now Google, although they are keeping the algorithm change, is giving the user control.      The new feature allows users to block all results from a specific website from their search results by clicking a link under the site in the results. The actual link is located directly under the website in the search result, next to the Cached and  Similar buttons, and reads, "Block all [] results".      Google announced this feature yesterday on their official blog , and is rolling it out over the next few days. If you don't see it now, expect to see it soon.      This is yet anothe

iPad 2 Announced

     The original iPad was, like Apple said, a magical and revolutionary device. It was the first majorly successful tablet PC, and started the 2011 "Tablet Rush".      At an event earlier today, Apple's CEO Steve Jobs announced the next generation of the iPad: the iPad 2. Steve Jobs was, or maybe still is, on medical leave. There had been reports that he had only six weeks to live, and pictures of him walking out of treatment very thin, so everybody was relieved when he walked on stage, looking just like he did a year ago.      The iPad 2 is thinner, lighter, and has a faster processor than it's predecessor. It comes in WiFi only and 3G models, both of which are 9.50 inches high, and 7.31 inches wide. They are also both only 0.34 inches thick, making it easier to hold than the original iPad. Also, the WiFi version weighs 1.33 pounds, with a the 3G  version weighing in at 0.1 pound heavier. Both the WiFi and 3G models come in 16, 32, and 64 gigabyte versions.